The publication was developed to promote and publicise the valuable work that Southside Partnership DLR (SSP) undertake for both existing users of the organisation and to potential future users. It also served as a showcase of work and testimonials for SSP for other organisations and to potential partners, civic/governmental authorities as well as the local communities in which they are based.
Having originally been intended as a printed booklet to promote the services of the SSP, it evolved into an online presentation, with additional downloadable content, both for digital and print. A printed version with accompanying assets for promotion such as posters, banners, etc.
With no initial layouts or styles considered for the publication and starting with a blank canvas, it was decided to take references from the SSP website, to integrate the publication into the overall branding of SSP and give a cohesive appearance to the messaging. Colours and fonts were carried over from the website, which was later updated, as did the publication assets, so any messaging within would be easily identifiable when any follow-up was done by the user to the website. These elements would also be used in any promotional assets in various campaigns on SSP social channels. The style and formats of the illustrations have also contributed to the visual approach to the material that SSP publishes.
LINKS: Southside Partnership DLR