When the 2020 Dublin Pride Parade did not occur due to COVID-19, the parade and many festivities moved online and everyone was encouraged to get involved and show their pride by making the most of it at home! Similar to the DFB paper models created for people to print out and make at home, these models let people create their own 'Pride Parade' at home!
The 2022 papercraft model is based on a self-created icon, with the year 2022 represented by the reflected digits of '22' to create a heart symbol. The 2021 design is also self-created and based on the theme of 'Destination Inclusion' used by Dublin Bus at the time. 2020 Pride was shown with another open-top design created on the theme of "Pride...In Everyone" showing a vibrant upbeat livery echoing the smiley face emoji in the design.
All the Pride Papercraft buses can be downloaded here and the Dublin Fire Brigade Pride Tender can be downloaded here.
Media Links: Broadsheet.ie